
I am a theatre artist and an education consultant providing professional growth training, facilitating community-based projects using theatre arts to create dialogue in diversity and complexity.

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mandalas - realization

Saturday, Jan 19, a gorgeous blue day, my friend Helga and I were up in Topanga Canyon bright and early to welcome participants for our mandala workshop at Tara Sanctuary. The guitar tuned, drums ready and all attuned.

Unfortunately, one by one, participants who were confirmed, dropped out, and we ended up with no one. ... However, the atmosphere was still very good and we were determied and ready to have a great creative day. Azita, the owner of Tara Sanctuary invited us to her house to facilitate our workshop there. She invited her family and friends and with our drummer and ourselves, we became a fabulous circle of people for the process of creating mandala.

Helga guided us through the creative arts process - each layer of mandala represented different aspect of relationship to ourselves, our place on Earth, and our higher spiritual selves.

Through meditation, chanting and singing, we opened spiritual channels and tapped into both our creativity and our intuition, which supported the drawing. The process of creating mandala starts from the individual small circular mandala (what do we need to accept as individuals?) on the outer edge of the big mandala and flows through negotiating boundaries with our neighbours into the universal, unconditional love and light in the center of Mandala.

Then, after spending a day immersed in the world of symbols, colours, intuitive messages, singing, chanting, and talking about deep spiritual connections, the mandala was born. From the paper, we ironed the Mandala of Acceptance onto a fabric banner and decided to dedicate it to Tara Sanctuary.

May Tara Sanctuary prosper and enjoy positive energy, may it always attract people that will bring love and peace.

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