
I am a theatre artist and an education consultant providing professional growth training, facilitating community-based projects using theatre arts to create dialogue in diversity and complexity.

Please drop me a note in comments, I would love to hear from you.

Forum Theatre Projects

Written by Luciano Iogna and directed by Simon Malbogat

Frosh week + Mixed Company Theatre's show on sexual assault and rape = heated debate, profound discussions, and eagerness to come up on stage to try different solution and yearning for different outcomes for the main character.
University of Toronto, Scarborough campus residence orientation

I facilitated (Jokered) the forum theatre interventions and discussions with the first year students at Ryerson University and University of Toronto, Scarborough campus. As the story unfolded in front of the audience, I could see on their faces and body language how relate-able the story is to them and how they are drawn into it. The minute I opened up the forum, they were coming up with analysis of and reflections on the relationships in the story, the stereotypes, the male-dominant cultural implications, the peer pressure dynamics, the communication barriers, and other dynamics surrounding the theme of sexual assault and rape.
A spect-actor ready to come up on stage to share his idea

Un-packing the spect-actor's intervention and its impact

It was fantastic to sift through and reflect on the various suggestions and strategies of alternative solutions to the messy situation that the characters in the story found themselves in. The students were witty and open. May clear communication continue on this topic of profound urgency and importance.
Cast: Kim - Michelle Nash, Teesha - Julia Hunebrown, Eric - Youness Tahiri


Enhancing the Collaborative Experience: 
Using Forum Theatre to Rehearse Creative Strategies for Resolving Issues that arise during Arts Residencies

· With colleagues Megan Dodd, Kelly Bragdon, and Carrie Ellman-Larsen, developed an interactive Forum Theatre anti-model. As a Joker, facilitated the exploration of a teaching artist – classroom teacher collaboration during arts residencies.

· Presented the Forum Theatre piece at the following educational conferences:

Face to Face Conference – The Arts Education Roundtable, New York City, 2010

Theater in our Schools Conference, American Alliance for Theater in Education (AATE), New York City, 2010


Answer the Call, interactive theatre piece addressing negotiation, effective communication, and assertiveness skills in the workplace and beyond…, New York City, 2009, 2010

Created and presented Forum Theatre workshop to support job-readiness of the residents of Community Access, www.communityaccess.org, a community organization providing housing and job training for people with psychiatric disabilities