
I am a theatre artist and an education consultant providing professional growth training, facilitating community-based projects using theatre arts to create dialogue in diversity and complexity.

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Monday, January 30, 2017


For second year now, I have been working with artists and young people from Toronto middle and high schools on supporting the work and dedication of Youth Without Shelter, a shelter facility in Etobicoke. Unbelievable number of up to 2000 youth are homeless in Toronto on any given night.We are raising awareness and funds to change that. One of the barriers the young people face once at the shelter is that they cannot finish school for lack of transportation funds. Tokens4Change title of the campaign emphasizes the need for education on the young people's path to success in life. 

Please check the campaign Tokens4Change facebook page 
and the Tokens4Change web site

I work on the project in two capacities:
as an artist, I created theatre for social change presentations with students from Cardinal Carter Catholic High School and from Crescent School, all boys private school. We will present the pieces to the public on Feb 3rd at the Spadina and Yonge/Bloor subway stations.

Students rehearsing at school's drama room
Cardinal Carter's presentation at the student rally at Tangerine downtown Toronto.

as a assistant artistic coordinator, I have been assisting other artists in developing their pieces of art for social change. Spoken word, visual arts, filming a public announcement for cable TV, dance and theatre pieces. The schools participating in the campaign:
T4C campaign with Havergal College students
Hudson College, Crescent School, Havergal College, Cardinal John Carter Catholic School for the Arts, Rawlinson Community School, and Father John Redmond Catholic School for the Arts.

Students from Rawlison School getting ready to create

I facilitated Resilience Arts and Activism workshop developed by Branch Out Theatre
to introduce the movement of arts for social change to students in the participating schools. 

RAA workshop at Rawlinson School 2017

RAA workshop at Rawlinson School 2017
It has been a great pleasure to work with dedicated and compassionate teachers and students at the participating schools. Thank you, Brachout Theatre for this incredible opportunity. And thank you Toronto for supporting the campaign with real action.

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